SURANA College Peenya offers Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) under graduate program in aviation management is an introductory course with 6 semesters, covers varied foundations and it includes airport internshipsin Bangalore. At every airline and airport, the effort is to ensure that all these people have safe and happy travel experiences. Aviation course in bangalore bachelor’s degree in aviation management is an important stepping-stone for students making them eligible to join and pursue higher studies. Airport Management trains students to take on managerial as well as administrative roles in Aviation sector. An Airport requires huge number of staff to work efficiently. Also, factors like safety and security, technical factors, ground staff etc also have to be taken care of passengers. To handle all these errands, proficient people are required to manage human resources as well as financial staples.
Aviation Certificate
Surana College Peenya offers Aviation certification course to provide students with a wide-range in understanding the management processes required within the aviation industry with a firm foundation in airline administration.